all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 7DG 4 1 52.642715 -2.711673
SY5 7AA 28 7 52.649244 -2.750047
SY5 7AB 7 0 52.653108 -2.749449
SY5 7AD 3 0 52.652002 -2.749519
SY5 7AE 3 0 52.648189 -2.749142
SY5 7AF 6 0 52.647887 -2.749064
SY5 7AG 2 0 52.648077 -2.748445
SY5 7AJ 1 0 52.652037 -2.738137
SY5 7AN 2 0 52.653525 -2.733092
SY5 7AP 11 1 52.659961 -2.736112
SY5 7AQ 2 0 52.648556 -2.74801
SY5 7AR 5 1 52.657214 -2.751264
SY5 7AS 11 0 52.650491 -2.751119
SY5 7AT 46 0 52.649936 -2.754864
SY5 7AW 5 0 52.651794 -2.738251
SY5 7AX 21 0 52.649288 -2.753596
SY5 7AY 16 0 52.649646 -2.752494
SY5 7AZ 6 0 52.648805 -2.75174
SY5 7BA 12 0 52.649844 -2.751078
SY5 7BB 13 0 52.649676 -2.750617